BREED is a wholesome food for shrimps. It contains a rich amount of cholesterol (a natural precursor of hormones that stimulate reproduction), micro and macro elements, a set of properly balanced essential fatty acids (EFAs): docosahexaenoic (DHA omega-3), eicosapentaenoic (EPA omega-3) and arachidone (ARA omega-6) ), nucleotides and vitamins. The special production process and the natural binding substances used prevent BREED food from disintegrating in water (does not pollute the substrate), while maintaining a soft structure, easily accessible to shrimps for a long time.
Dosage: Typically 1 piece of about 1 cm for about 15-25 shrimps once or twice a week instead of VITA food. For smaller amounts of shrimp, divide the portions proportionally so that the food is eaten within 24 hours